I had a flu. Runny nose, sore throat, cough and fever.
So instead of throwing myself into the planned spring detox and sports in the (supposed) sunshine I’m spending my days lazily on the sofa, recovering, drinking hot English tea and trying to motivate myself to breathe the snowy air outside my warm cocoon not only for shovelling snow.
Snowboots and ski pants on, camera hidden under the parka I bravely headed into the forest. At least it was not cold (-2°C only).

The question is, would it have been dangerous if I was closer? What would have happened if, for example, I went with an off-leash dog? Do boars find enough food after weeks of snow covered fields? Do they also run around when the sun is shining? I shall have to ask the Head of the game reserve…
I don’t cook a lot these days: simple things, vegetables with oil and vinegar, pasta, fish and rice.I just thought it would be nice to share my today’s beetroot salad with you. Firstly because it really was delicious, secondly because all this snow series needed a hint of colour.
Beetroot salad with apple and laurel
3 beetroots
1 apple
2 leaves of laurel
olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper
Wash the beetroots, cover them with water and cook them about 20 minutes until soft. Peel and slice them. Peel and slice the apple and mix with the beetroot slices in a bowl. Dress with oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Add the leaves of laurel. Let the salad rest at room temperature for at least one hour to allow the flavours to mingle.
Would be nice to accompany a boar roast as well, wouldn’ it?
But not for me, not now, I definitely don’t want to enrage the Big Boar Spirit….