All posts filed under: Drinks

wedding in the woods + the honeybee signature cocktail

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Drinks / Uncategorized

the venue: hidden in the Ontarian woods at the bride’s parents’ place the mood: misty and enchanted the guests: friends and family came from Canada, the U.S., HongKong, Greece and Germany to celebrate Sara and Peter. There’s nothing better than extending the family! the food: a delightful variety of dishes, occasionally with a Canadian hint 🍁 (note to self: must urgently ask for the recipe of the homemade wedding cake. A lemony tiered masterpiece baked […]

cranberry margarita // french 75

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cranberry margaritas4 generous servings 200ml pure cranberry juice100ml freshly squeezed lime juice (2-3 limes)150ml tequila100ml orange flavoured liqueur, like Cointreau or triple sec2 handfuls ice cubessalt Check your pantry to see if you have a large canning jar, which can do double duty as a shaker. Put the ice cubes, the cranberry juice, lime juice, tequila and orange liqueur in a canning jar, close it tightly and shake for ca. 30 seconds.Rub a lime quarter […]

Canton Creation

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A recommendation for a refreshing cocktail sent to me by Summer and Christoph from HongKong. To prepare it you need ice cubes ginger liqueur (Domaine de Canton) champagne sliced strawberry Best when enjoyed during sunset in a home overlooking the South Chinese Sea.


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FĂźr den GewĂźrzrand ist die mexikanische Tajin GewĂźrzmischung unĂźbertroffen, sonst jedes andere Chili-Limettenpulver. Mit Sojasauce statt Worcestersauce schmeckt die Michelada genauso gut. Mir sogar etwas besser! Das Bier sollte ein schwaches, helles sein wie z. B. Corona oder Cerveza Sol. Salud! Christmas 2021 Version: Konstantin’s No-Limits Michelada Did the ranch hand forget to close the gates again? Accidently burn yourself with the branding iron? Your wife chased you with the cattle prod off the front […]

how to make sloe gin

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Drinks / Foraging

2020 is the first year I experimented with sloes. The first year I made my own sloe gin. homemade sloe gin 1 l gin450g sloes225g sugar Wash the sloes and seal in an airtight bag. Freeze overnight or until ready to make the gin. The freezing is necessary to split the skin, so if your berries have been exposed to frost outside, you can skip this step. Put the frozen sloes into sterilized jars. Add […]

vegan coffee creamer

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Drinks / Guest Post

guest post by Lenka Over the years, I have changed lots of parameters regarding how I drink my coffee. If there’s one constant in my ritual, it’s that I have always enjoyed it most with milk, or any other “vegetable drink” that turns it a smooth, satisfying shade of brown—which, to me, would be the shade of a river after heavy rainfall, or the one of kraft paper. If you’re vegan, or just trying to […]

ginger & turmeric shots

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The ginger and turmeric shots take my beloved “healthy espresso” to the next level.  Add a small piece of fresh turmeric  to the apple/ginger mixture and feel the energy boost.  ginger & turmeric shots (yields 3 shots) 3 apples a good chunk of fresh ginger about 3cm fresh turmeric Juice and enjoy!

midsummer mood and a homemade Nocino

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Drinks / Jams + Preserves

Homemade Nocino (green walnut liqueur) (a David Lebovitz recipe) On the 23 and 24th of June the green walnuts are traditionally harvested in Italy for  the use of liqueur making. It’s when inside the shell the walnut is starting to form. No hurry, harvesting until mid July is still fine! 30 green, unripe walnuts 500g sugar 1l Vodka 2 sticks cinnamon 10 whole cloves the zest of a lemon (organic, not sprayed) Quarter the walnuts (PLEASE wear gloves, […]