Für den Gewürzrand ist die mexikanische Tajin Gewürzmischung unübertroffen, sonst jedes andere Chili-Limettenpulver.
Mit Sojasauce statt Worcestersauce schmeckt die Michelada genauso gut. Mir sogar etwas besser!
Das Bier sollte ein schwaches, helles sein wie z. B. Corona oder Cerveza Sol.
Christmas 2021 Version:
Konstantin’s No-Limits Michelada

Did the ranch hand forget to close the gates again? Accidently burn yourself with the branding iron? Your wife chased you with the cattle prod off the front porch?
If you ever experienced one of these hot days out on the fields when nothing seems to work out the way it is supposed to, after which you get back to the ranch and just wanna take off those dusty boots, so you can kick back and relax with a cold refreshing yet savoury beverage, then a No-Limits Michelada is just the right thing for you.
Micheladas are believed to have originated in the southern parts of Texas and Mexico where they are well nown for their thirst quenching properties, after a hard day of labour under the scorching sun.
Besides being a source of rejuvenation, the spicy drinks have a reputation for being the ultimate hangover cure that will get you firing on all cylinders the next morning, no matter the night before.
Ingredients for 1 glass (300-400ml)
- 2 generous tablespoons Tajin Fruit and Snack Seasoning (red)
- 1 lime
- 2 tablespoons soy sauce
- 2 splashes Tabasco or other hot sauce
- 80ml tomato juice (non-spicy)
- ice cubes or crushed ice (optional)
- 1 bottle of Corona or comparable light light beer such as Sol Cerveza)
- 1 glass (300-400ml)
Place the Tajin spice in a small bowl or soup plate and cut the lime after gently massaging it on the table top. Use the lime to thinly moisten the rim of the glass, then press the glass upside down with the rim first into the the tajin spice in the bowl and create a spice rim by moving the glass in a circular motion.
If preferred now would be the time to add ice into the glass.
Squeeze the lime into the the remaining Tajin spice and mix with soy sauce, Tabasco and tomato juice.
Now pour the tomato juice mixture into the prepared glass and slowly add the beer holding the glass at a slight incline and fill up to the brim.
Dust a little Tajin spice onto the finished Michelada and stir it gently with a long spoon.