All posts tagged: summer

grilled tomatoes with chili, garlic and ginger

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Dinner / Lunch

(an Ottolenghi inspired recipe) A quick and simple summer dish I often prepare for lunch as soon as the tomato season starts. Its deep and rich flavour comes from the olive oil which has been slowly sizzling together with chili, garlic, ginger and cilantro stems adopting their fragrance. This a technique Ottolenghi often uses. grilled tomatoes with chili, garlic and ginger(serves 2) 3 tablespoons olive oil1 mild red chili, sliced4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced1 piece […]

Stachelbeerkuchen // Johannisbeerkuchen

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Cakes + Cookies

Stachelbeerkuchen // Johannisbeerkuchen 125g Butter100g Zucker4 Eierein wenig abgeriebene Zitronenschaleeine Prise Salz200g Mehl2 Teelöffel Backpulver für den Guss: 4 Eier, getrennt, Eiweiß zu Schnee geschlagen200g gemahlene Nüsse100g Zuckereine Prise Zimt 500g Stachel- oder Johannisbeeren, oder beide gemischt Aus den Zutaten einen Rührteig herstellen und in eine Springform geben. Darauf die Beeren verteilen. Für den Guss die Zutaten vermischen, zuletzt den Eischnee unterheben. Auf die Beeren streichen. Ca. 40 Minuten bei 180°C backen.

raw red currant jam

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Jams + Preserves

Searching for more interesting recipes besides the traditional jelly or jam, I found a long stirred raw red currant jam in an old cookbook of my mother. And when I say long stirred I mean loooong stirred. I tried it … the outcome is delicious. Note the little “x” mark by the side. Means the recipe is tried and well approved by my mother. Raw red currant jam 500g ripe red currants500g sugar Wash the […]

Baltic beet soup

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The remedy for the summer’s heat came to me from the Baltic countries: an earthy, slightly sour, chilled red beet soup. Sophie from Café Goldfisch introduced me to it, hers in a striking baby pink shade, mine a bit more on the magenta side. Anyway, as long as you use the traditional main ingredients red beet, gherkins, dill, spring onions and kefir (yoghurt, sour cream…) you can’t go wrong. Baltic beet soup(yields 4) ca. 600g […]


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Für den Gewürzrand ist die mexikanische Tajin Gewürzmischung unübertroffen, sonst jedes andere Chili-Limettenpulver. Mit Sojasauce statt Worcestersauce schmeckt die Michelada genauso gut. Mir sogar etwas besser! Das Bier sollte ein schwaches, helles sein wie z. B. Corona oder Cerveza Sol. Salud! Christmas 2021 Version: Konstantin’s No-Limits Michelada Did the ranch hand forget to close the gates again? Accidently burn yourself with the branding iron? Your wife chased you with the cattle prod off the front […]

wild mirabelle upside-down cake

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Cakes + Cookies

wild mirabelle upside-down cake 500g wild mirabelles (or any stone fruit), stoned 150g butter at room temperature 3 tablespoons muscovado sugar sea salt 100g sugar 2 eggs 120ml milk 2 teaspoons baking powder 200g flour vanilla ice cream, whipped cream or crème fraîche for serving Preheat oven to 180°C. In a large bowl, use your hands to combine 3 tablespoons of the butter, the muscovado sugar and the pinch of salt. Spread the mixture on the bottom […]

delicious mess of tomatoes, peaches and goat cheese

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Lunch / Salads

delicious mess of tomatoes, peaches and goat cheese tomatoes and peaches in equal amounts, quartered or chopped 1/2 onion, white or red, finely sliced fresh goat cheese basil leaves balsamic vinegar native olive oil a spoonful of honey salt and freshly ground pepper In a bowl mix the olive oil, vinegar, honey, salt and pepper. Add the tomatoes and peaches, top with the onions and the crumbled goat cheese. Mix gently before serving. Top with basil […]

midsummer mood and a homemade Nocino

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Drinks / Jams + Preserves

Homemade Nocino (green walnut liqueur) (a David Lebovitz recipe) On the 23 and 24th of June the green walnuts are traditionally harvested in Italy for  the use of liqueur making. It’s when inside the shell the walnut is starting to form. No hurry, harvesting until mid July is still fine! 30 green, unripe walnuts 500g sugar 1l Vodka 2 sticks cinnamon 10 whole cloves the zest of a lemon (organic, not sprayed) Quarter the walnuts (PLEASE wear gloves, […]

Saskatoon berry pie

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Cakes + Cookies

The Saskatoon berry pie with its sweet and nutty bottom is as simple as perfect as a pie can be.  If you don’t have an amelanchier close by  (Saskatoon berry is the fruit of the amelanchier) you may use blueberries or cherries instead.   Saskatoon berries fabulous facts The Saskatoon berry is a wild fruit which contains lots of vitamins  A and C as great antioxidants. Vitamin K for clotting, vitamin E for sexual health and good skin, B vitamins […]

picnic with sardines and quick pickled shallots

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Jams + Preserves / Lunch

The simplest things, like a tin of sardines, can be the most delicious when paired with a crispy baguette, quick pickled shallots and a bottle of champagne. Add a lemon to squeeze over the sardines and some fresh herbs to spread on top. Enjoy!   quick pickled shallots   3-5 shallots, sliced 2 tablespoons vinegar 1 teaspoon sugar pinch of salt  Slice the shallots and put them into a jam jar. Douse with the vinegar, add […]