Author: troutandhawk

Tartine Sourdough Country Loaf

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Zeitplan Mengen und Verhältnisse Technik Tartine Sourdough Country Loaf Zeitplan Tag 1– 9:00 Starter füttern– 15:00 Teig mischen– 16:00 – 18:00 ziehen und falten 16 bis 20 Stunden ruhen im Kühlschrank Tag 2 – ca. 12:00 endgültige Form geben– ca. 13:00 backen Tag 3Brot essen Mengen und Verhältnisse 150g Starter werden geteilt: 50g werden gefüttert mit 50g frisch gemahlenem Roggenmehl und 50ml lauwarmem WasserDas Verhältnis Mehl zu Wasser sollte immer 1 : 1 sein Zurück […]

Grandma’s Classics: Spätzle

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Dinner / Lunch

Spätzle (man rechnet 100-125g Mehl pro Person) 400g Mehl2 EL Grieß 4 Eier1/2 Teelöffel Salzca. 1/4l Wasser 2-3l Salzwasser2 EL Butter2 EL Semmelbrösel Mehl, Grieß, Salz und Wasser zu einem glatten, weichen Teig verrühren und abschlagen bis der Teig Blasen wirft. Danach zugedeckt 20-30 Minuten quellen lassen. Den Teig in 3-4 Portionen mit dem nassen Spätzlehobel ins kochende Salzwasser hobeln oder vom Spätzlebrett schaben. Die Spätzle jeweils 1 mal aufkochen lassen, mit dem Schaumlöffel herausnehmen […]

Pu erh tea

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Pu erh tea is a dark, aged tea that stems from the Chinese province of Yunnan. Like fine wines Pu erh teas become better with age. I would describe the taste as earthy, rich and warm. For a tea to be classified as Pu erh it must be made from the large-leaf Assamica variety of the Camellia sinensis tea plant and must be grown in the Yunnan province. The true characteristics of Pu erh stem […]

celery root gratin

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Back from a long walk through the Saxonian Switzerland a hearty and simple meal like baked celery root with olive oil and parmesan hits the right spot. celery root gratin(yields 4) 2 celeriacs200g parmesan, gratedolive oilsea salt and freshly grated black pepper Preheat oven to 200°C. Clean celeriacs, peel, halve and cut in fine slices Spread olive oil onto an oven-safe dish, start layering the celery slices in a fish-scale pattern.On each layer sprinkle olive […]

salted white chocolate oat cookies

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Cakes + Cookies / Guest Post

guest post by Loui A quick and easy recipe for the upcoming festive season! salted white chocolate oat cookies ingredients250g salted butter or normal butter with 1/2 tsp salt added1 tsp vanilla extract75g caster sugar30g brown sugar120g plain flour120g spelt or rye flour110g rolled oats120g white chocolate, roughly chopped how toPlace softened butter, sugar and vanilla extract in a mixing bowl and use a hand beater to mix until fluffy. Once fluffy, add spelt and […]

bone broth

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Bone broth 2 kg bones from a good source (marrow and knuckle)1 cup vinegarwater Place the bones in a 5l pot, fill completely with cold water and add the vinegar. Heat the water to a gentle boil and let it simmer slowly for 8 to 12 hours. The vinegar helps to extract the minerals from the bones. Let it cool and skim off the fat for further use. Discard the bones. Freeze small portions of […]

a gentle fast

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Day 1 08:00 – 14:00 fruit, vegetables and salads 14:00 – 18:00 cedar nut milk After 18:00 nothing but water Day 2 All day until 18:00 nothing but water 18:00 – 20:00 fresh juice or some juicy fruit like orange or watermelon Day 3 08:00 – 13:00 fresh juice or cedar nut milk and fruit 13:00 – 18.00 fruit, vegetables and salads How to make cedar nut milk Blend1/3 cup cedar nuts1 tablespoon honey or […]

seed bread

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seed bread 140g seeds (e.g. 90g sunflower seeds, 15g pumpkin seeds, 10 g sesame seeds, 20g poppy seeds, 5g hemp seeds)90g linseeds ( can be replaced by lincake)150g rolled oats70g nuts, coarsely chopped3 tablespoons psyllium husks1 teaspoon salt1 tablespoon bread condiment 340ml water1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup80g butter or coconut oil In a bowl mix the dry ingredients thoroughly.Warm the water, add butter/oil and honey. Stir to combine.Quickly combine the wet and the dry […]

grilled tomatoes with chili, garlic and ginger

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Dinner / Lunch

(an Ottolenghi inspired recipe) A quick and simple summer dish I often prepare for lunch as soon as the tomato season starts. Its deep and rich flavour comes from the olive oil which has been slowly sizzling together with chili, garlic, ginger and cilantro stems adopting their fragrance. This a technique Ottolenghi often uses. grilled tomatoes with chili, garlic and ginger(serves 2) 3 tablespoons olive oil1 mild red chili, sliced4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced1 piece […]