vegan coffee creamer

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Drinks / Guest Post

guest post by Lenka

Over the years, I have changed lots of parameters regarding how I drink my coffee. If there’s one constant in my ritual, it’s that I have always enjoyed it most with milk, or any other “vegetable drink” that turns it a smooth, satisfying shade of brown—which, to me, would be the shade of a river after heavy rainfall, or the one of kraft paper.

If you’re vegan, or just trying to drink less cow milk, you know that achieving that perfect shade of beige as well as richness of taste is no easy feat. In the cookbook The First Mess, which I purchased at the beginning of the second lockdown in Paris to keep me entertained, the Canadian food blogger Laura Wright shares her recipe of how to enjoy creamy, vegan coffee—and I would like to share it in turn with you:

Vanilla Coconut Coffee Creamer


–  6 medjool dates, pitted
–  1 can (400ml) quite liquid full-fat coconut milk
–  1 tbsp (15ml) of sunflower oil (or other neutral-flavoured oil that is liquid at room temperature)
–  2 tsp (10ml) pure vanilla extract (I didn’t have any so I used 2 tsp vanilla sugar)
–  tiny pinch of fine sea salt


  1. If your dates are soft, you can move on to the next step. If they are a bit dry, like mine were, cover them in boiling water for 5 to 10 minutes. Thoroughly drain the dates.
  2. In a blender, combine all of the ingredients. Blend on high until you have a smooth and thick liquid with minimal amounts of date visible. (This took me about 5 minutes but depends on your machine!)
  3. Over a medium bowl, strain the creamer with a fine-mesh strainer. Store in a jar with a tight-fitted lid. It’ll keep for roughly a week. Shake to combine before using.
1: soaking medjool dates. 2: cutting them into smaller chunks to please my blender. 3: blended and smooth. 4: date pulp and skin residue, which made a good snack.

Notes of appreciation:

I think that this creamer is perfect for weekend coffee! The coconut milk gives it a somewhat exotic taste, which is especially nice in winter.

The coffee is a rich brown shade: think cinnamon and chestnut shell.

I enjoyed mine with Laura Wright’s vegan pumpkin bread (as you can see, I’m a big fan), while reading 84, Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff (which I heartily recommend if you love letters and London).

What’s your favourite coffee color shade?
at Luxembourg Gardens

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