All posts filed under: Cakes + Cookies

Hildegards Nerven- und Intelligenzkekse

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Cakes + Cookies

Hildegards Nerven- und Intelligenzkekse(eine Empfehlung der Gebr. Leube, Salzburg) 500g feines Dinkelmehl250g Butter200g Rohrzucker2 EierWeinsteinbackpulver100g geriebene MandelnAbrieb einer halben ZitroneZimt, Nelkenpulver, Muskat Aus allen Zutaten einen Mürbteig bereiten und kühl rasten lassen. Teig auswalken, Kekse in beliebiger Form ausstechen und ca. 10 Minuten bei 180°C backen. Nach Lust und Laune verzieren.


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Cakes + Cookies

Um diesen saftigen Mohnguglhupf nach Art eines englischen seed cake zu backen, nehme man für den Teig: 30-40g Mohn300g möglichst frisch gemahlenes Dinkelmehl (oder Kamut, oder Weizen)250g Crème Fraîche250g Vollmilchjoghurt225g weiche Butter150g Rapadura2 Eier1 Teelöffel Natron1/2 Teelöffel Meersalzgeriebene Schale einer Zitrone1 Esslöffel Vanilleextrakt60-125ml Wasser zum Tränken: Saft einer Zitrone125g rohen Honig60ml trockenen Sherry Mehl und Mohn mit Joghurt und Crème Fraîche vermischen und an einem warmen Ort 12 -24 Stunden stehen lassen. Butter, Rapadura und […]

dark chocolate truffle tart with Brazil nut crust

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Cakes + Cookies / Sweets

What I love about this tart: quick and easy to prepare unbeatable flavour combination of dark chocolate, raspberries, toasted nuts and a touch of salt looks chic can be stored in the fridge for days taught me how to perfectly melt chocolate without using bain-marie dark chocolate truffle tart with Brazil nut crust for the crust: 1/4 cup raw Brazil nutsolive oil for oiling tart pan1/4 cup rolled oats1/4 cup dried, shredded coconut1/4 teaspoon sea […]

a Greek wedding + a Greek celebration cake

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Cakes + Cookies

In August we travelled to Greece to celebrate the love between Maria and Dimitris at their wedding. We spent the whole week basking in the sun, eating mountains of Greek salad and enjoying each others company at the Gulf of Corinth. a Greek celebration cake(original recipe from the bride’s great grandmother) for the batter: 330g butter50g sugar6 eggsgrated orange peel 240g flour175g hard wheat semolina1 sachet baking powder225ml milkca. 150-200g flaked almonds for the syrup: […]

Quark cheesecake without crust

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Cakes + Cookies

Quark cheese cake without crust 1 kg Quark 2/3 cups sugar1 tablespoon vanilla extract4 large eggs3 tablespoons cornstarch (Maizena)100g butter (= 8 tablespoons) , melted and cooled 2 tablespoons flour2 teaspoons baking powder1 lemon, grated peel and juice Preheat the oven to 190°C and put the oven rack in the lower third of the oven. Butter the bottom and the sides of the baking form and sprinkle in flour to lightly coat the form. In […]

Christmas and butter cookies

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Cakes + Cookies

butter cookies 375g butter (at room temperature)150g sugar5 egg yolks500g flour Mix sugar, butter and egg yolks until creamy. With your hands fold in the flour to create a firm dough. Put the finished dough into the fridge to cool and to harden. Roll out the dough onto a floured surface and cut out the forms. Bake at 175°C for 15 to 25 minutes.

Pinotage Cake

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Cakes + Cookies

Pinotage Cake 4 eggs at room temperature200g sugar180g butter, melted100ml extra-virgin olive oil150ml milk400g flour1 1/2 teaspoons baking powdera generous pinch of sea saltthe grated zest of a an organic orangethe grated zest of an organic lemon300-600g sweet little grapes (or blueberries) Preheat oven to 175°C. Butter the bottom and the sides of a 25 cm baking dish.In a medium bowl whisk together the eggs and the sugar until creamy. Add the butter, the oil […]

wild mirabelle upside-down cake

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Cakes + Cookies

wild mirabelle upside-down cake 500g wild mirabelles (or any stone fruit), stoned 150g butter at room temperature 3 tablespoons muscovado sugar sea salt 100g sugar 2 eggs 120ml milk 2 teaspoons baking powder 200g flour vanilla ice cream, whipped cream or crème fraîche for serving Preheat oven to 180°C. In a large bowl, use your hands to combine 3 tablespoons of the butter, the muscovado sugar and the pinch of salt. Spread the mixture on the bottom […]

a gingerbread story

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Cakes + Cookies

It all began with the idea of a competition. A competition between family and friends. A friendly one, of course. This is the Great Gingerbread House-Off. The brief: A gingerbread house should be built, from scratch, edible and breathtakingly beautiful with no limits concerning style or century.  the gingerbread house With an engineer and designer combining forces, the duo did not rest from start to finish. With a prototype built and dimensions noted, the dough was made: 2 […]

Saskatoon berry pie

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Cakes + Cookies

The Saskatoon berry pie with its sweet and nutty bottom is as simple as perfect as a pie can be.  If you don’t have an amelanchier close by  (Saskatoon berry is the fruit of the amelanchier) you may use blueberries or cherries instead.   Saskatoon berries fabulous facts The Saskatoon berry is a wild fruit which contains lots of vitamins  A and C as great antioxidants. Vitamin K for clotting, vitamin E for sexual health and good skin, B vitamins […]