Author: troutandhawk

Hildegards Nerven- und Intelligenzkekse

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Cakes + Cookies

Hildegards Nerven- und Intelligenzkekse(eine Empfehlung der Gebr. Leube, Salzburg) 500g feines Dinkelmehl250g Butter200g Rohrzucker2 EierWeinsteinbackpulver100g geriebene MandelnAbrieb einer halben ZitroneZimt, Nelkenpulver, Muskat Aus allen Zutaten einen Mürbteig bereiten und kühl rasten lassen. Teig auswalken, Kekse in beliebiger Form ausstechen und ca. 10 Minuten bei 180°C backen. Nach Lust und Laune verzieren.

how to make sloe gin

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Drinks / Foraging

2020 is the first year I experimented with sloes. The first year I made my own sloe gin. homemade sloe gin 1 l gin450g sloes225g sugar Wash the sloes and seal in an airtight bag. Freeze overnight or until ready to make the gin. The freezing is necessary to split the skin, so if your berries have been exposed to frost outside, you can skip this step. Put the frozen sloes into sterilized jars. Add […]

vegan coffee creamer

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Drinks / Guest Post

guest post by Lenka Over the years, I have changed lots of parameters regarding how I drink my coffee. If there’s one constant in my ritual, it’s that I have always enjoyed it most with milk, or any other “vegetable drink” that turns it a smooth, satisfying shade of brown—which, to me, would be the shade of a river after heavy rainfall, or the one of kraft paper. If you’re vegan, or just trying to […]


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Cakes + Cookies

Um diesen saftigen Mohnguglhupf nach Art eines englischen seed cake zu backen, nehme man für den Teig: 30-40g Mohn300g möglichst frisch gemahlenes Dinkelmehl (oder Kamut, oder Weizen)250g Crème Fraîche250g Vollmilchjoghurt225g weiche Butter150g Rapadura2 Eier1 Teelöffel Natron1/2 Teelöffel Meersalzgeriebene Schale einer Zitrone1 Esslöffel Vanilleextrakt60-125ml Wasser zum Tränken: Saft einer Zitrone125g rohen Honig60ml trockenen Sherry Mehl und Mohn mit Joghurt und Crème Fraîche vermischen und an einem warmen Ort 12 -24 Stunden stehen lassen. Butter, Rapadura und […]

lentil soup with rosemary, squash and leafy greens

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Lentil soup with rosemary, squash and leafy greens 1 1/2 cups lentils, soaked overnight7 cups water2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil1 medium onion, diced1 teaspoon sea salt, plus more to taste6 garlic cloves, minced1 tablespoon minced, fresh rosemary 1/2 butternut squash (or Hokkaido), peeled, seeded and cut into bite sized pieces3 cups leafy greens like kale, cabbage or chard, sliced 2 teaspoons tamari2 teaspoons balsamic vinegarfreshly ground black pepper Drain and rinse lentils, place in […]

autumn reads & listens

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Guest Post

guest post by Vik Floss’ Dreamy Bops Gentle music with a nostalgic 70s feel. I like to play this in the morning for waking up to a milky cinnamon coffee. Tyler Childers – long violent history Irish-American countryside strings, perfect for a cosy night by an open fire carving pumpkins or an evening of boardgames and hot drinks. Quarantini Japanese disco jams for cocktail hour, because being stuck indoors can still be fun! Mr. Loverman […]

dark chocolate truffle tart with Brazil nut crust

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Cakes + Cookies / Sweets

What I love about this tart: quick and easy to prepare unbeatable flavour combination of dark chocolate, raspberries, toasted nuts and a touch of salt looks chic can be stored in the fridge for days taught me how to perfectly melt chocolate without using bain-marie dark chocolate truffle tart with Brazil nut crust for the crust: 1/4 cup raw Brazil nutsolive oil for oiling tart pan1/4 cup rolled oats1/4 cup dried, shredded coconut1/4 teaspoon sea […]

Kochen für Skeptiker

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Dinner / Guest Post

guest post von Hedda Immer wenn wir Zeit in der Toskana verbringen, verabreden wir uns mit unseren Nachbarn Enzo und Gianfranco zum Essen. Einmal kochen sie und einmal kochen wir. Wenn wir dran sind, muss auf ausgesprochenen Wunsch etwas traditionell Deutsches auf den Tisch. Seit vielen Jahren das gleiche Ritual: “Was werdet ihr kochen?” – große Skepsis – die sich in vielen, vielen Jahren hartnäckig hält. Trotz begeisterten Genießens jedweder Mahlzeit, die wir zubereitet haben. […]

a Greek wedding + a Greek celebration cake

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Cakes + Cookies

In August we travelled to Greece to celebrate the love between Maria and Dimitris at their wedding. We spent the whole week basking in the sun, eating mountains of Greek salad and enjoying each others company at the Gulf of Corinth. a Greek celebration cake(original recipe from the bride’s great grandmother) for the batter: 330g butter50g sugar6 eggsgrated orange peel 240g flour175g hard wheat semolina1 sachet baking powder225ml milkca. 150-200g flaked almonds for the syrup: […]